Estate planning can involve family issues, tax planning, asset-distribution wishes and planning for medical emergencies and incapacitation. We will go over your desires in an initial appointment. We will discuss various options to achieve your goals and discuss the fee for each option. There is no obligation or pressure. You should feel comfortable about gathering the information you need to make an informed decision about your estate plan.
You will need to gather basic information about your assets, determine how your assets are currently owned (in one name or in joint tenancy, for example) and the approximate size of your estate. This will assist us in determining the best way to achieve your goals.
You will need to name someone you trust to assist you if you cannot handle your own affairs, as well as someone to distribute your assets upon your death. If you have minor children you will need to decide upon guardians for your children.
This is the basic information that you will need to get started on your estate plan. Most of my clients are pleasantly surprised at how easy it is to get their affairs in order. Most estates are planned and documents signed in just two or three appointments.
Getting Started on Your Plan
Questions for You
- Have you named an executor (also known as a personal representative)? Do you have an alternate in case your first choice is unavailable?
- If you have set up a revocable living trust, have you transferred your assets to the trust?
- Does your current estate plan distribute your assets according to your desires?
- Do you have a durable power of attorney?
- Do you have a Living Will or Health Care Directive?
- Have you named someone to make medical decisions for you if you are incapacitated?
- Have you named a guardian for minor or incapacitated children?
- Do you need someone to explain your estate plan to you to make sure that it will do what you want it to do?